Thanks to these partners:

Great North Bank

Charles and Patricia Nelson

Robert Fitzgibbon Math/Science Scholarship

Florence Chapter of the Masonic Temple

Florence Utilities WPPI

Nona B. Beauchamp Memorial

Florence Alumni

Regina Cosgrove Memorial

Florence County Deputy Sheriff Association

Florence Fire Department in Memory of John Witynski

Don Quick Scholarship 

K. Casey Constantini Memorial

Charlie Thompson Memorial

Richard and Karen Wertanen Scholarship

The Emmy Lou and Gerard Weaver Memorial

Betty and Ray Bourassa Memorial Scholarship

Billy Pestor

Florence County Land Scholarship in Memory of Robert R. Peterson

Forever Young Burrows-Raspor Memorial Scholarship

The FHS Class of 1998 Scholarship

The Rita and Paul Pontbriand Scholarship

William Anderson Memorial

Florence Citizens' Memorial Scholarship

Florence County Dollars for Scholars Good Samaritan

Florence County Dollars for Scholars in Memory of Cal Erickson

Florence County Dollars for Scholars in Memory of Gary Mueller

Florence County Dollars for Scholars in Memory of Ginny Ehrenreich